We Accept:
While we do accept almost anything that is small enough to ship through a standard shipping provider like USPS, FedEx, or UPS, just because we accept an item does not guarantee that will will be able to sell it or that we will attempt to sell it.
We Donate:
Consigned items that are heavily soiled/damaged, and items that, if sold, would result in a very low or negative profit after shipping/taxes/fees will not be posted for sale. For your convenience, we do the sorting and we locally donate the items that we deem to be ‘unsellable’ for you.
We Recommend:
Check out the lists below for our suggestions and for some inspiration. You may have more to letgo than you originally thought! Keep in mind that the list of suggested consignment items below is NOT comprehensive and that any unsold items will be donated locally.
As we gain insight into the ever-changing market supply & demand, we’ll update the suggested ‘Hot List’ below. Check back frequently for new and updated info!